It has become known that publisher Electronic Arts is unveiling five of its patents that are designed to make games more accessible to a wider audience, including people with visual, hearing, speech and cognitive disabilities.

Noted is Apex Legends Battle Royale, in which the technology gives users the ability to communicate using a quick command system.
Three of the patents mentioned have already been implemented in franchises like Madden NFL and FIFA, to help players with vision problems. The tools of these patents detect and change colors, as well as their brightness and contrast, in order to improve the distinguishability of objects of similar brightness.

In the near future, Electronic Arts is also considering to open access to its other patents and technologies related to the accessibility of games for users of all abilities.

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3D Modeling

creating three-dimensional computer images and graphics

Learning 3D software is not easy, so before you start, decide for yourself if you really want to and can do 3D modeling.

One of the most essential traits inherent to 3D graphics professionals is creativity.

Like drawing and animation, the field of 3D modeling requires a rich imagination and out-of-the-box thinking to create unusual characters and worlds that will stand out from the rest.

The work of a 3D modeler also requires meticulous attention to detail, patience, and perseverance, as each model is long and carefully worked through, "polished", and perfected.